Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Alpha and Beta Testing main difference by easiest way

Hey Friends,

I am back again,Today I will explain you Alpha and Beta Testing main difference

Alpha Testing -  Before starting the topic I want to ask you one question- How many times you have prepared for any exam either in school or in college ? I think all of us reading this had a good experience of this..
So before exam we read all the questions and their answers at our home and again write them in our note books to remember them completely.Am I right ?

Now when we write all of our question answers at Home environment where our Mom and Dad become available with us,we write and complete all the answers perfectly 10 out of 10.

Now come to our topic Alpha testing- This is the same as above case. All the softwares and websites testing under the development site and development environment is called Alpha Testing.

So the Alpha testing is the way in which testers and all the developers test the application or website on their PCs or under the company's environment where they work perfectly all the time as all the time said by developers and testers frequently on failure of software outside their company ... ;)

Beta Testing - Now beta testing is just the opposite case.Like some times happened with all of us in school and college time.. ;)
We had completely remembered all the questions and answers at our home environment and then we moved to Exam hall and what we had seen there ?? We had not answered any question properly there in exam hall nervousness.

So beta testing is same like exam hall examination.
Now come to the topic - In beta testing, the software or application is run on the client site under the client(Live environment)
In brief-
Beta testing is the testing in which the software applications or websites are tested by client on their site in the presence of client environment and then they accept the site for live use.

So guys I hope you all have enjoyed the topic.....
See you in next session...

Till then bbyeee....Take care and you can post your questions and queries in comment.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Easiest Methods of Software testing

Hey Friends,

Whenever it comes to talk about software testing,the one thing comes in the mind and what is that ?  how we will test it initially?????....
So today I am showing you easy methods of Software testing.So let's start......

1. Firstly understand the project audience to whom we want to deliver our for example we want to deliver a children learning site.
Then our first mind set will be children.What children like ? very much colors,their favourite animations like Doremon,dexters on the site. Right ?
Like let's assume if Superman or your favorite Hero...Ironman will taught you Something then How will you react ??? You will say WOOOWW.....Am I right ?
Now come to the point again as we are talking about Target audience.
So for every project,Firstly we need to identify the Target audience.

2. Second thing is Your priority - Priority means what a client wants first ? either Admin side or back stage and  Users/Public side(Which we generally surf on the google or internet) ?
Generally as my experience said - Client quickly needs a Public side first to launch their services.So our main focus should be on the client priority.

3. Third thing is How much effort will you invest in Testing of Admin side or User side.
So you guess first ?.....
I said to frankly that Admin side is just a crappy Add/Edit/Delete side that requires a boring and simple layout to add/edit/Delete things or contents on user side.
But wait my friends.... keep in mind- This Add/Edit/Delete functionality must working...I repeat it
..This Add/Edit/Delete functionality must working and robust without any errors in these otherwise client will F**k you and your company.

More will be in my new session.....till then b byeee/sayo nara/hasta la vista